
Next Meeting – The next meeting will be a hybrid Zoom / in-person session;
7:00 PM, Wednesday January 29th, 2025.
Location:  Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre
2500B Second Street West, Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6
The Agenda for the next meeting will be posted on the Members Only Page,
and will also be emailed to the membership when it is finalized.
Guest speaker: To be announced.

Saturday Breakfast: Even (2nd and 4th) Saturdays of each month, 9:00 A.M.
Location: Spinner’s Diner, 118 Pitt St., Cornwall.

Repeater Status: 

Cornwall Community Hospital site:

VA3SDG: 145.570 (-) C4FM Digital or Analog FM (110.9 Hz. CTCSS)

VE3SVC: 147.180 (+) C4FM Digital or Analog FM (110.9 Hz. CTCSS)

VE3SVC: 224.180 (-) Analog FM (110.9 Hz. CTCSS)

VA3EDG: 442.100 (+) Color Code 1 DMR Brandmeister Network

VA3SDG: 444.450 (+) Analog FM (110.9 Hz. CTCSS)

Bonville (South Stormont) site:

VE3PGC-1:  144.390 Simplex APRS

VE3VSW: 442.200(+) C4FM Digital or Analog FM (110.9 Hz. CTCSS)

VE3PGC: 443.650 (+) Analog FM (110.9 Hz. CTCSS) + Allstar + Echolink

Beaverbrook (South Glengarry) site:

VA3FHA 147.030 (-) C4FM Digital or Analog FM (110.9 Hz. CTCSS)

For more information on “local” repeaters, click here.


President: John Grow VE2EQL

Vice President: Earnest Vinson VA3EWV

Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer: Chris Lauzon   VA3CRR

Appointed Positions:

Net Manager: Joe Scott VE3ADB

Newsletter Editor: Jim Richardson VE3AFV

Webmaster: Ed Halliwell VE3EAH

Social Convener/Event Planner: Vacant

Technical Director: Doug Pearson VE3HTR

Net Control Operators are needed. Please let Earnest Vinson VA3EWV or one of the executive members know if you can help out.